NRA Certified: First Steps Pistol Orientation

Today I took a 6 hour class at Anthony's Arms in West Mifflin about The Basics of Pistol Shooting. It covered the parts of a gun, safety, proper shooting, cleaning, storage, etc. To pass the test you had to hit one set of 5 shots within 9 inches of each other out of 20 total shots. All of my shots were within the 9 inches! (All but one was within 5 inches.) I earned a certificate and *Basic Practical* patch. I shot a .357 Magnum revolver, and everyone else had a .22. I had no trouble at all and it was way easier than I thought it would be.
My only disappointment is that I did not get to shoot the .500 Smith & Wesson because it had been sent to the gunsmith, and they only had one. That is one the smallest caliber handguns that will kill a brown bear, and I'm sure it is one the highest caliber revolvers they make.
So now I don't know whether to buy one or not? The gun range guy said he didn't think I'd have any trouble at all with it. However, I will not buy one until I am sure I can shoot it. There is only one other range where you can shoot a .500, but it is about 1 1/2 hours away in Greensburg. :(

1 comment:

  1. My uncle is having me take a .454 with me and says it will do the trick for brown bears as well. (provided you use the correct ammo) If we have the chance, maybe while we are in King Salmon we can go out shooting?
